Forpaws Pet Care in Guildford, Godalming, Haslemere & Hindhead
Dog Walks in Guildford & Godalming
Jo can offer you dog or puppy walks that suit your needs, perhaps starting off with a solo walk to get to know your dog, or whilst your puppy is in training. We can then look to move your dog to a small group, walking with doggy friends who they get on with and who are similarly matched in terms of energy levels, playfulness and sociability. We know that not all dogs get on and so we look to only match up dogs that get on well together and enjoy each other's company.
More information on our walks in Guildford and Godalming is available here...
Cat sitting visits
Sarah, Michelle, Jo, Rosemarie, Erika, Suzanne and Sarah S are delighted to look after cats in Guildford, Godalming, Haslemere, Hindhead and Woking when their owners (slaves!) are away.
We usually visit once a day, to clean bowls, put down fresh water and food and then fuss and pamper your feline friend as much or as little as they would like.
We know that cats can be very individual and so we meet you initially to get to know you and your cat and find out what they normally like and don't like. We love encouraging them to play (if they want to!) as we find this is a great way to get to know your cat. We can also pick up and move your post away from the door, and water plants by request - so just let us know what you need help with whilst you are away.
More information is available here....